My feedback from my peer group was mainly all positive:
- Using glossy magazine paper would suit the project more than using plain paper.
- Maybe stick to just creating the covers instead of trying to make a whole magazine.
- Try covering a wall with images so it's as if it's a teenagers bedroom
- Put the covers on the wall and then photograph them, Maybe put yourself infront of the images again. Being the teenager.
- Magazine layout is good.
- Do a shoot with my bedroom walls plastered with the images I've already shot to create the teenagers bedroom feel.
- Experiment with me in front of the camera as well and then me not in front of the camera - see which works
- Forget about the idea of the magazine covers - Not working - not saying what I want it to say!
- Therefore not using magazine paper but thinking about one huge print instead of many.
Feedback from tutors: (the hardest bit was reading the writing on my sheet...)
- Design element of the magazine cover is too distracting from the actual images.
- Experiment more with self-portraiture in relation to magazine imagery
- Suggested reading - Auto Focus - Susan Bright (Read for dissertation, notes in work book) The Beauty Myth and No Logo, Germaine Greer (Read for previous project, notes in work book).
- Suggested artist - Barbara Krugar - Take on one element from 'the layout' rather than a whole cover.
- Experiment with the images I've shot with elements inspired by Barbara Krugar (text and image, outlining, boxing images etc)
- Copy all relevant research I've all ready done and taken inspiration from for this project subconciously and display in my work book
- Experiment with the images on my wall, and the ones I've already shot, shoot more etc.
- Scrap the magazine cover!
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