Sunday, 7 October 2012

15 minutes of fame

The definition of the phrase 'fifteen minutes of fame' explains short-lived media publicity, phenomenon or celebrity of an individual. The phrase was coined by the artist Andy Warhol who said something along the lines of 'In the future, everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes'. 
It's believed that this expression is an adaptation of a theory of Marshall McLuhan who explained the differences between television and other media by the use of contestants.

Warhol also hosted a show on the TV network MTV called 'Andy Warhols fifteen minutes' that aired from 1985 to 1987. The show featured interviews from musicians such as Courtney Love.

Link to Andy Warhol's 15 minutes advert

If I want to tackle critiqueing the celebrity image we know today, I think it will be best to look at the history behind the celebrity culture and how we've put 'reality' stars to Hello! magazine status. 

I'm going to use the phrase '15 minutes of fame' as a working title as it's sums up what I'm trying to achieve with this project better than I could've done in my own words.

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